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Why this issue? Why now?

The chance to handle and care for a big cat, is one that many people would jump, sing and dance for;  


Each year, in a rapidly expaning industry people in the tens of thousands, pay for the privilege of getting up close and personal with what is arguably one of the planet’s most dominant predators. However there is a darker reality to this, the handling of cubs is, in effect the kiss of death for these awe-inspiring beasts. The dealers of these cubs are usually masquerading themselves as conservation organizations and rescue/rehabilitation centers.

Demand for this market is booming, and unfortunatly it cannot be seperated from the less than savory "canned" hunting industry. Each year thousands of permits are issued by governments to shoot and kill some of the world’s most awe inspiring creatures, and the mighty king of beasts is no exception…nor are his cubs. Distinctions are set between wild and captive populations, however it should be noted that there are NO "free roaming lions" any longer outside of national park reserves.

Those who find hunting distasteful may choose to visit one of the many conservation or rehabilitation centres where they will be taken on walks with adolescents and allowed to intimately handle and feed lion cubs. They do so under the believe that this is a harmless endevour. LETS BE CLEAR....A TAME LION IS A DEAD LION. 


The past few decades have seen an explosion in the gap year and adventure travel markets, and with them countless projects marketed at those wishing to gain some kind of sense of purpose or achievement. The conservation sector is no exception to this, many companies are guilty of so called “green washing”*.

Conservation projects are on offer from the biggest names in the industry that allow people to “live with the lions”; these experiences promise walks with adolescents and cub handling/feeding from what initially appears as a respectable conservation or rehabilitation centre.


*Find "Green wahsing" explanation on the facts page.


About Us

An educational awareness programme seeking to uncover the darker underbelly of supposed conservation or rehibilitation orgainisations which exploit animals within the adventure tourism trade.


Our current campaign is centered around the use of young and adolescent Lions as a conservation attraction; whilst the hidden reality is that in the majority of cases, theses animals are sadly being reared for the slaughter house.

Project ROAR! Campaign video

This video was made as a promotional aid for our campaign project ROAR! Our aim was to tap into the cute and fluffy symbol of Disneys "Simba" to provoke people to think about their attitudes towards lion cubs as a farmed industry. 

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